

Page history last edited by Nate Begeman 12 years, 9 months ago

EnergyConsumption Projects


(Actively-changing projects are linked to the main page)


Service projects


At one point showed life


Classic Building Improvement

  1. Sealing
  2. Insulation
  3. Efficient Heating
  4. Hot Water 
  5. Solar 
  6. Air conditioning?


Tried and true (document)

  • put things on power strips you can easily turn off
  • put a lamp cord switch into the cord for a pesky appliance (e.g. boombox; batteries may preserve settings)
  • install a mechanical timer on your bathroom fan so you don't leave it running
  • use X-10 home automation to turn (e.g. networking) equipment on only when you need it
  • install a programmable timer to automatically save energy when various systems aren't needed
  • create a shower stall by putting a clear curtain "roof" on your tub + curtain with high ceiling (see shower analysis below)
  • attach a mechanical timer to a periodic use item like a microwave 


On the cusp


Perhaps promising

  • Hack a Kill-a-Watt - awesome!
  • install a time of day thermostat on your water heater
    • In warmer months, Soren discovered his pilot light provided enough heat for a daily shower
    • Steve G. suggests that reducing heat loss through the flue increases the pilot's effectiveness
    • With 60 degree ambient temperatures, Soren has started experimenting more
      • It takes four minutes to bring the tank to "lukewarm" just before a shower
      • It takes 16 minutes to bring it up to the same point just after a shower
      • ~24 hours of pilot light after "lukewarm," the water was noticeably warmer
      • HES post about the water heater
  • build a power strip with a built-in mechanical timer for charging
  • low-power Solar-Powered PC
  • Cooler Meter
  • Simple Solar Oven / Fast Solar Cooker (pnorth says she'll buy one)
  • Solar Bike Light Charger
  • Vampire Replacement
  • Wheel Generator (http://www.los-gatos.ca.us/davidbu/pedgen.html#FAQ mentions 5% diode loss in rectification AC->DC)
  • get a sink in your kitchen that drains to the yard for watering plants with "greywater"


Tools / Project Components




from MakeZine

  • Remaking America edition has wireless Kill-a-Watt, etc
  • Wind Powered Generator
  • okay, I swear there was a perfect windmill from junk (workshop?) on makerfaire.com, but when I clicked, another picture loaded and I can'd find it


Sources of The Classics



For a former day


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