

Page history last edited by Soren 4 years, 11 months ago

Welcome to the EnergyConsumption users wiki!


EnergyConsumption.org discusses watt meters and other energy-saving products. This wiki contains everything Soren hasn't yet been able to add to EnergyConsumption proper (that is to say, almost all of it). It is also, as the "users' wiki," a place for EnergyConsumption users to ask and answer questions, contribute ideas, and storm up fun and creative ways of getting at least as much out of life while using less energy.


This wiki is also the place to contribute your consumption data until EC proper has a database. If you have any related projects, shopping, or questions / observations, we'd love to have you contribute to the wiki. Your ideas will mix with others', making energy pondering a lot more fun.


That said, no one has used this wiki for a while and pbworks would like to clean it up. Which begs the question, is it useful to have? Soren isn't doing a lot of research lately and mostly uses Twitter to share links of interest. A dedicated electronic calendar has proven to be a good way to track general observations like "left the lights on" (to correlate later with hourly readings from the electric company). He still makes energy observations but is hasn't found a great way to enter them. Something like Google Forms might be useful here? Short answer, this wiki seems like something I might like to use again, mostly to organize projects. Publishing complete ideas or results might work better with a traditional blog using WordPress.



EC Content (to migrate?)

Big Picture: energy consumption information

Products: lowest-power product recommendations

  • Lighting
  • energyconsumption.org discusses other power-saving devices

Energy Efficient Buildings

Database of watt meter data for various devices

Directions (what sort?)

  • Measuring Idle Loads
  • step-by-step specific suggestions (that pick up where other sites have left off?)

Links (to existing resources / articles putting the data in context)

Watt Meter Reviews


  • focus/purpose is helping the curious answers their questions?
  • templates for collecting data (PDF and spreadsheet)



Questions (pose imponderables or tap the group's expertise)

  • What kind of heater should we use in the bedroom?
  • How should I cool the electronics in my attic?
  • What's Caltrain's gas mileage?
  • What's the spot price of electricity during various peak times, during the 2001 manipulation/crisis, etc? i.e. when does PG&E start making money by paying you top tier rates for the kWs coming off your PV Panels?  Answer: About $50/MWh, or 5c/kWh.  If generation is roughly a third of PG&E's cost, PG&E will break even somewhere around $100/MWhr, prices last seen in summer 2008.  During the 2001 crisis, prices spiked over $900/MWh and remained above $200/MWh from December 2000 to June 2001.
  • At what point do we reach saturation on "the basics"? i.e. should I keep blogging about the same basic stuff (new better lightbulb, home energy tips) or are the national tv ads "enough'? and energy should be focused on some of the longer term answering of imponderables (questions that require research etc.) and/or working on in person work (a la acterra mention below)
  • ...


Projects (for your home or community)


Institutions loaning meters:


Users willing to share their watt meters and expertise

Borrow a Meter 


Activities (if we wanted to reach out)

  • Facilitate implementation of Community Energy Workbook ideas which start off:

    "In a typical town, seventy to eighty cents of every dollar spent on energy immediately leaves the local economy. Finding ways to reduce these costs and plug these leaks initiates a series of local economic benefits."

  • The Booth
  • Work with (or replicate) Acterra's Green@Home project in which volunteers come to your house to help figure out how to save energy there.


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